“To keep the Sabbath holy” is one of the Ten Commandments of the Torah. On Shabbos, for 25 hours — from sunset Friday evening to nightfall Saturday night — we cease all creative involvement with our surroundings, transcend the worries and struggles of our daily existence, and enjoy the divine tranquility of G‑d’s day of rest. Keep the Shabbos and it will keep you. Jews have experienced this truth for thousands of years. Disconnect from the work week and see for yourself.
Take on the Shabbos pledge to turn off your cell phone and use no other electronics for some or all of the time. Begin with pre-Shabbos cocktails and entertainment, followed by the women and girls lighting Shabbos candles. Sing along with Rabbi Cantor Yossi Lebovics as he leads with the Lecha Dodi prayer welcoming the Shabbos Queen. Partake in a traditional Shabbos dinner serving up exquisite Shabbos delicacies and exotic wines. Be inspired during Shabbos dinner with keynote speaker Mrs. Molly Resnick in her talk, “From Showbiz to Shabbat.”
Become a Shabbos Ambassador and invite your friends to your personal table of 10. Register online at twentyfoursix.org or call 561-659-3884.